




Geschrieben von Lauch1 am 16.05.2022, 20:23 Uhr

151 Kinder wurden auf Adeno AK getestet und nur 19 auf Corona.

Dass es eine Kombination sein kann wurde dir auch schon mehrfach erklärt und Sars Cov greift nun einmal die Leber an. Was wäre denn deine Erklärung für dieses plötzliche gehäufte Auftreten?

„The study population comprise 796,369 children between the ages of 1-10 years including 245,675 who had contracted COVID-19 during March 11, 2020 - March 11, 2022 and 550,694 who contracted non-COVID other respiratory infection (ORI) during the same timeframe.“

„Compared to children infected with other respiratory infections, children infected with COVID-19 infection were at significantly increased risk for elevated AST or ALT (hazard ratio or HR: 2.52, 95% confidence interval or CI: 2.03-3.12) and total bilirubin (HR: 3.35, 95% CI: 2.16-5.18). These results suggest acute and long-term hepatic sequelae of COVID-19 in pediatric patients. Further investigation is needed to clarify if post-COVID-19 related hepatic injury described in this study is related to the current increase in pediatric hepatitis cases of unknown origin.“

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