Für alleinerziehende Eltern

Für alleinerziehende Eltern



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Geschrieben von Sanne3 am 16.12.2005, 12:32 Uhr

Sorry, bin nicht alleinerziehend, aber...

...wieso sollte mir das Gefühl fremd sein, war jahrelang alleine...und Garantie habe auch ICH keine!
Ich erhielt dies heute per email und weil es mich berührt hat, und mir dieses Forum in den Sinn kam beim lesen, schicke ich es hier herein - keine Sorge, keine weiteren emails dieser Art.

> By Kari West
> "The heartfelt counsel of a friend is as sweet as perfume and incense" (Proverbs 27:9, NLT).
> I stood in the parking lot fumbling for my car keys. For the second day in a row my job had canceled. I can't believe this! I drove all this way to learn the meeting was rescheduled? Does anybody realize what this means? I forced back tears, knowing too well the impact. Another day without pay. No compensation for my daughter's daycare expense, for my travel time, or the gasoline consumed during the 100-mile round-trip drive. I was nearing the edge of panic.
> Then I recalled the words of a friend, who also worked as a court reporter: "When I get in a ?tiz and start to worry about making ends meet, I stop and pray, ?Lord, order my day!'"
> Regina's words were credible because she knew the territory. She, too, was a single mom fighting to survive financially. Time and again her advice helped me come to terms with the forced stops in my own life that I could neither anticipate nor control: my daughter's learning disability, the unwanted divorce, and the unexpected health concerns. That morning was no exception.
> On the drive home, I remembered that I had already asked God to order my day. That meant things were happening the way they should. Instead of panicking, I decided to use the quiet time in the car to rethink the rest of the day. Okay, I didn't make any money; but I do have proofreading to finish. The rug needs vacuuming. I could clean a closet. Maybe I'll surprise my daughter with homemade cookies. By the time I pulled into my driveway, I had refocused on the positive things I could do and off the negatives that feed my fears and fuel self-pity. For the remaining hours, I lived believing that whatever happened, God was in charge.
> Years have passed since that day. And to be perfectly honest, I still struggle with handing the menu of my life to God and letting Him choose for me-- then, accepting whatever happens. Letting go of my personal plans goes against my nature. Yet on the other hand, with so many items on my to-do list, I often get in a ?tiz, because living and loving and being a mom can leave the best minds in a whirl.
> Regina continues to struggle, too. But whenever one of those mornings unexpectedly invites itself into our lap, we pick up the telephone and talk. As friends, we are there for each other, letting the other babble and sometimes just cry without feeling that we have to fix the situation; and in the process, we go on with our lives -- a little braver and a lot more resilient than we were the day before.
> * Story adapted from "Dare to Trust, Dare to Hope Again: Living With Losses of the Heart," published by Cook Communications, copyright 2001 by Kari West.
> Related Links
> Blue Christmas
> http://www.christianwomentoday.com/christmas/blues.html

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