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Geschrieben von Ebba am 23.09.2011, 19:59 Uhr

Noch mehr zu lachen

Two gentlemen in London...

A: Hello Sir, how goes it you?
B: Oh, thanks for the afterquestion.
A: Do you know how much watch is it?
B: It is twenty watch thirty!
A: What? - Such much watch?
B: Are you already long here?
A: No, first a pair of days. I'm not out London.
B: Thunderweather, that overrushes me. You see not so out.
A: That can yes beforecome. But now what other. My hairs stood to mountains as i the traffic saw. So much cars give it here.
B: You are heavy on the woodway if you believe, that in London horsedroveworks go.
A: Will we now a beer drink go. My throat is outdried.
B: Look, there is a guesthouse, let us man go there!
A: That is a good think. Equal goes it loose. I will only my shoeband close.
B: Here are we. Make me please the door open.
A: But there is a beforehangingcastle, the economy is to.
B: How sorry! Then I will go back to the hotel, it is already retard.
A: On againsee!
B: Oh, yes I will too go. I must get the draught to Backsidemonkeycastle.
A: Auf Wiedersehen.
B: Oh, sind Sie Deutscher?
A: Ja, Sie auch ? Das wundert mich aber. Ihr English ist so hervorragend, dass ich es gar nicht bemerkt hätte.

Anmerkung des Autors:
Das war aus der Reihe "English for Runaways" (Englisch für Fortgeschrittene - böse Zungen behaupten aber auch, dass es "Englisch zum Davonlaufen" heissen würde) :o)

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