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Geschrieben von Alba am 15.07.2017, 11:24 Uhr

geht mir ähnlich...

"Trolls and troublemakers
As we hope you've already found out, the vast majority of Mumsnet discussions are genuinely informative, supportive and friendly (even when we all disagree with each other!) but, from time to time, we are visited by trolls, for whom friendly supportive chat is definitely not on the agenda.
If you suspect someone of being a troll, please don't trollhunt (accuse them publicly on the discussion thread). If you're wrong, you could cause untold hurt; if you're right, you'll merely be giving them the kind of attention they're after.
Instead, report your suspicions to us and we'll check them out.
Please bear in mind that we'd rather err on the side of being taken in than of accusing a genuine poster who's in need of support of being a troll. For more on this, do have a read of our separate Policy on Trolls and Troublemakers."

This is the mumnset policy, makes a lot of sense to me.
Sorry, I have a ferry to catch :)

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