März 2021 Mamis

März 2021 Mamis

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Geschrieben von pauli_sec am 21.04.2021, 6:16 Uhr

Dauerhungriges Baby

Liebe Nellyne,

auch ich hatte anfangs meine Schwierigkeiten zu akzeptieren, dass mein Kind mich einfach brauchte und dass das normal ist. Irgendwann habe ich mich aber darauf eingelassen und halt den ganzen Tag gestillt. bzw als Nuckel gedient. Mein Sohn ist jetzt 8 Wochen alt und ich kann dir sagen, dass das unserer Beziehung auf jeden Fall richtig gut getan hat!!
Hier ein Text, der mir sehr krass geholfen hat, die Situation zu verstehen:

Mama, I can't see past you right now, I'm so small and everything is a little bit blurry.
All I see is you.

When I feel alone, like the walls are closing in, remember I'm here too. I know your world has changed and the days feel a little lonely.
But they aren't lonely for me.
You are my everything.

When you feel like you don't know what you're doing, you're making it look easy to me. Even though we're still getting to know each other, you know me better than anyone.
I trust you.

When you think some nights you will never sleep again, you will. We both will. But I'm scared right now. I promise I'm not manipulating you. I just need your smell and comfort. Do you feel that tug in your heart, when we're apart? I do too.
I miss you.

When you feel like If you've achieved nothing, please know, my cup has never been so full.
The days that get away on you will be some of my best memories of us playing together on the ground.
I love you.

When you feel like you don't know who you are anymore, when you turn away from the mirror. That face will be the one I look to when I achieve something, the one I search for in the crowd. The reason for my first smile.
You're perfect to me.

When you feel like the weight of it all is heavy in your heart, please know, I've never felt lighter. Can I lay here with you a little bit longer?
I won't always need you like this.
But I need you right now.

When you feel like as if you have nothing more to give, when I see your hands outstretched at me, pleading. When we're both crying. I wish I could talk,but I can't.
If I could, I would tell you, there's a reason I chose you.

I can't see past you right now, mama, because you are my world. It will get bigger soon enough.

But for now, all I see is you.

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