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Geschrieben von Alba am 27.02.2017, 7:49 Uhr

@Deca... danke genau es war faultx towers... owt

But in Fawlty Towers the joke is totally on Basil Fawlty, actually the joke is pretty much always on Basil in FT.

1 | The goose step

With Sybil hospitalised due to an ingrowing toenail (glamorous), episode six saw some German guests arrive and un-PC 1970s mayhem ensue. Despite warning, “Don’t mention the war,” a crazed Basil proceeds to mention it constantly (“Hors d’oeuvres… vich must be obeyed… vithout qvestion!”), then blames the guests for starting it (“Yes you did, you invaded Poland”). It culminates in his Ministry of Silly Walks-style goose step, leading one German to mutter: “How ever did they win?” John Cleese later said: “Everybody thinks it’s a joke about Germans but it’s about British attitudes to the war and the fact that some people were still hanging on to that rubbish.”

Genauso wie in Father Teds Episode "Are you right there Father Ted" der Scherz auf Kosten Ted's (und Dougals und Father Jacks) geht und nicht gegen die Myriaden an nicht-Iren (einschliesslich der Deutschen) die Ted in der Folge beleidigt.

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