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Geschrieben von sonnartom am 10.10.2012, 2:23 Uhr

how many words at 2 years of age?

Hi everyone,

My elder boy is a non stop chatterbox, but my (just) 2 year old has very few words (ie Mum, car, miaow, hair'.

Would you say this is normal for aged 2, or is he a bit behind??

thanks so much

3 Antworten:

Re: how many words at 2 years of age?

Antwort von Danie1710 am 10.10.2012, 4:20 Uhr

My son has really started to talk with 27 months.
Since then, he talks like a waterfall.
He is now 3 years and 6 months old.

My daughter has started to talk a few words with
8 months and really started to talk with 11/12
She is now 9 years and 3 months old.

I would say, give your son a little more time.

Daniela with Chiara *13.07.03 & Alessandro *11.04.09

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Re: how many words at 2 years of age?

Antwort von MikkiNK am 10.10.2012, 7:28 Uhr

Hi there,

That sounds pretty normal to me. Every child develops differently. I would say that at 2yrs it's a little early to make any conclusions as to whether there are any speech developmental issues. Give him some time. My son is 2yrs 7ms now and makes simple sentences, whereas his littles girlfriend (same age) speaks in proper sentences and understands fully. Just keep interacting with your child and engage him/ her in conversations.


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Re: how many words at 2 years of age?

Antwort von Charly0815 am 10.10.2012, 13:11 Uhr


It's about the same with my two boys. The older one is talking all day, the little one (he's two) doesn't say a lot. But he starts to repeat things his brother or one of us parents is saying. And our children's doctor says this can still be considered as 'normal'. With two years of age they should be getting started to talk but they don't have to be talking a lot. The doctor said 40 words spoken by himself or repeated after someone is the usual amoung children are able to speak at this age.

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