Schwanger mit 35 plus

Schwanger mit 35 plus




Geschrieben von Mamae2004+2010, 17. SSW am 14.07.2010, 18:38 Uhr

Any English speakers?

Hi Amanda,

nice to read someone from overseas.

This website is very interesting I think. I am pregnant with my 2nd baby and have a daughter who is 5 years old now. I have been knowing this website since I was pregnant with my first baby. It was always interesting and often helpful to "talk" to other women expecting a baby.

So you and your husband live in Texas? And you are studying German?

I am 36 years old and I am working for a market research company. We realize studies in the automobile field as well as financial sector. It is quite interesting and I will be working until November. I am due to give birth in December.

Would be nice to hear from you...

Kind regards,


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