




Geschrieben von Si+Jo+Jo+Fr am 17.08.2007, 15:48 Uhr



when you move to USA in November, he will have 8 to 10 weeks school in Germany, that is not really enough to learn the language properly, and these few weeks will fly by. You will be very busy, weren't you?
I would talk to the teacher, I am sure, she will will be fine with it when your son just visits the schools. Just let him go to school and play with neighbors, may be you find some mother or a kid that helps him a little bit, if you want. But when you move in November you won't even get a report card for him.

Your son will learn a little bit German in school in these few weeks. But I would focus on ENGLISH not on German.

How good does he speaks english?
When you move to USA, you can put your kid in KINDERGARTEN (even when he is already 6 y), thats better when he doesn't speak any english at all, there he starts with letters and numbers and easy lessons. But talk to the teacher first, what they think. Otherwise he would go in First Grade.

Where will you live in USA? Did you already contact the new school?
Why do you move? Do take all your stuff or do sell everything in Germany.

Have a great day

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