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Thema: Robert Munsch: LOVE YOU FOREVER

Ich bin heute bei einigen Garage Sales fuendig geworden und hab u.a. ein halbes Dutzend Robert Munsch Titel ergattert. Mein Lieblingsschriftsteller fuer Kinderbuecher in Kanada! Sie sind alle sehr lustig, bis auf eines, das zu seinen besten gehoert und auch auf deutsch uebersetzt worden ist (das andere von ihm uebersetzt ist "Die Tuetenprinzessin" - sehr witzig!). Hier ist das Original: **************** LOVE YOU FOREVER By Robert Munsch A mother held her new baby and Very slowly rocked him Back and forth, Back and forth, back and forth. And while she held him she sang: I love you forever, I’ll like you for always, As long as I’m living My baby you’ll be. The baby grew. He grew and he grew and he grew. He grew until he was two years old, and he ran all around the house. He pulled all the books off the shelves. He pulled all the food out of the refrigerator and he took his mother’s watch and flushed it down the toilet. Sometimes his mother would say, “This kid is driving me CRAZY?” But at night time, when theat two-year-old was quiet, she opened the door, crawled across the floor, looked up over the side of his bed; and if he was realy asleep she picked him up and rocked him back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. While she rocked him she sang: I love you forever, I’ll like you for always, As long as I’m living My baby you’ll be. The little boy grew. He grew and he grew and he grew. He grew until he was nine years old. And he never wanted to come in for dinner, he never wanted to take a bath, and when grandma visited he always said bad words. Sometimes his mother wanted to sell him to the zoo! But at night time, when he was asleep, the mother quietly opened the door to his room, crawled across the floor and looked up over the side of his bed. If he was realy asleep she picked up that nine-year-old boy and rocked him back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. And while she rocked him she sang: I love you forever, I’ll like you for always, As long as I’m living My baby you’ll be. The boy grew. He grew and he grew and he grew. He grew until he was a teenager. He had strange friends and he wore strange clothes and he listened to strange music. Sometimes the mother felt like she was in a zoo! But at night time, when the teenager was asleep, the mother opened the door to his room, crawled across the floor and looked up over the side of his bed. If he was realy asleep she picked up that great big boy and rocked him back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. While she rocked him she sang: I love you forever, I’ll like you for always, As long as I’m living My baby you’ll be. That teenager grew. He grew and he grew and he grew. He grew until he was a grown-up man. He left home and got a house across town. But sometimes on dark nights the mother got into her car and drove across town. If all the lights in her son’s house were out, she opened his bedroom window, crawled across the floor, and looked up over the side of his bed. If that great big man was really asleep she picked him up and rocked him back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. And while she rocked him she sang: I love you forever, I’ll like you for always, As long as I’m living My baby you’ll be. Well, that mother, she got older. She got older and older and older. One day she called up her son and said, “You’d better come to see me because I’m very old and sick.” So her son came to see her. When he came in the door she tried to sing the song. She sang: I love you forever, I’ll like you for always … But she couldn’t finish because she was too old and sick. The son went to his mother. He picked her up and rocked her Back and forth, back and forth, Back and forth. And he sang this song: I love you forever, I’ll like you for always, As long as I’m living My baby you’ll be. When the son came home that night, he stood for a long time at the top of the stairs. Then he went into the room where his very new baby daughter was sleeping. He picked her up and rocked her back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. And while he rocked her he sang: I love you forever, I’ll like you for always, As long as I’m living My baby you’ll be. *************** Wenn's euch gefaellt, es steht zum Verkauf :-) Mach gerade eine neue Liste Buecher fertig, die ich im Juni nach D mitbringe. Bei Interesse einfach anmailen. Gruss aus Calgary, Canada Beatrix

Mitglied inaktiv - 24.05.2003, 21:27

Antwort auf diesen Beitrag

Hallo, allerdings steht es bei mir bisher nur im Regal, da ich jedes Mal heulen muss wenn ich es lese ;-))). Bye Sabine mit Samantha und Colin (30.10.2000)

Mitglied inaktiv - 25.05.2003, 13:44

Antwort auf diesen Beitrag

Habe es grade über Scholastic bestellt, und Freitag kam Hanna damit nachhause. Muß auch jedesmal einige Tränen wegwischen, es ist einfach ergreifend. Grüße aus dem hohen Norden, canoe

Mitglied inaktiv - 26.05.2003, 01:53

Antwort auf diesen Beitrag

Ohhh, das weckt Erinnerungen. Meine Tochter war gerade mal 2 Wochen alt, da musste mein Mann (Army) fuer 6 Monate in den Kosovo. Aber vorher hat er ihr dieses Buch auf Kasette gesprochen und wir haben dieses Tape taeglich gehoert und ich habe jedesmal geheult.... Inzwischen ist Viviane 2,5 Jahre und es ist eines ihrer Lieblingsbuecher. Sie nennt es "Papa" Buch und auch nur er darf es ihr vorlesen. Aber dann solltet ihr die beiden mal sehen.. sie auf seinem Schoss und hoechst konzentriert... Einfach suess LG Tina

Mitglied inaktiv - 27.05.2003, 13:04

Antwort auf diesen Beitrag

Hatte dieses Buch bei unserem letzten USA-Besuch in einer Buchhandlung in der Hand, habe es aber zurückgelegt weil ich weiß, daß ich es nicht vorlesen kann, ohne dabei zu heulen. Ist einfach wunderschön! Silvia

Mitglied inaktiv - 27.05.2003, 22:27