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Thema: gedicht----englisch

hallo, vielleicht koennt ihr mir helfen, haben von freunden ein gaestebuch bekommen indem sich die gaeste eintragen die auf der hochzeit waren. da ich ueberhaupt nicht weiss was ich da schreiben koennt, wollt ich fragen ob ihr nicht irgendein gedicht oder spruch auf englisch wisst. freu mich ueber jede antwort. lg

Mitglied inaktiv - 07.09.2007, 07:25

Antwort auf diesen Beitrag

Hallo, hier mal zwei: 1. A wedding is a party with, Of course, a wedding cake. But sometimes by the time it comes, It's hard to stay awake. People need to talk a lot, And laugh and joke and kiss, And cry - why do they cry? - and mention God and love and bliss. Two people have decided that They'll share one house for life, And call themselves, instead of friends, A husband and a wife. And so we have to get dressed up, And eat a lot, and wait For hours till they finally serve The great big wedding cake. 2. Getting married means you'll have Someone's hand to hold, Even when you're feeling sick, Even when you're old. It means when you sit down to eat, Someone will be there, So you won't have to tell your day To an empty chair. It means that you can have some kids Just like a mom and dad, And play with them all afternoon, Except when they are bad. It means that when you need some help, Someone will help out, Someone always near to you So you won't have to shout. But best of all is when it's time To turn out all the lights: You won't have to be alone Those long and scary nights. So even though you don't have toys, You don't have to care: Once you're married you can be Each other's teddy bear! Hoffe das ist was für dich. LG, Sarah

Mitglied inaktiv - 08.09.2007, 10:12