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Geschrieben von MamavonN am 07.09.2019, 23:29 Uhr

baby fell out of bed

hi there,

first of all: sorry for the english post. german is not my first language and when i have to get things off of my chest fast, i have to switch back to my native speaking. of course you can answer in german.

i feel absolutely horrible. like the worst mom there ever was. we are on vacation at the moment. so our baby daughter sleeps in a travelling bed. when she wakes up in the morning we take her and put her in bed with us... so we can snuggle a little and relax a bit longer. a couple of days ago it happened. she fell out of the bed. i was half asleep and my husband went to the bathroom without telling me. the next thing i heard was a flat clash and my crying baby. the poor thing landed on tile-floor. i was in total shock. we called our doctor, supervised her troughout 48 hours and did everything we were told to do. fortunately she is totally fine and just had a scary fall. but for me... i am still processing. i feel like it is all my fault because i did not watch her properly. my poor poor baby. :-( how do you handle situations like that?

9 Antworten:

Re: baby fell out of bed

Antwort von Fichtenkind am 08.09.2019, 0:16 Uhr


I know that sounds trite now, but that your baby fell out of bed is probably the most innocent thing that's going to happen to him.

I apologize, that is of course not very comforting for you.

Please do not blame yourself or your partner. These things happen and make you more sensitive to dangers that "lurk" in everyday life. You are not the first and you will not be the last to experience it.

In fact, just dropping out of bed is one of the common incidents of which one reads. Rejoice that nothing worse has happened and you are now sensitized to prevent this one more time.

These are the ugly sides of parenthood and unfortunately there will be more incidents.
That it gnaws at you is natural and normal and in a few days / weeks you will take it easier.

Enjoy the time with your sweetheart!


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Re: baby fell out of bed

Antwort von Port am 08.09.2019, 0:25 Uhr

"a couple of days ago it happened. she fell out of the bed. 48 hours and did everything we were told to do. fortunately she is totally fine"

Nothing happened, everything is okay. No more reason to worry. If you have doubts visit a doctor.

Ich frage mich, wie man ausgerechnet dieses deutsche Forum findet, wenn man kein deutsch kann... Aber egal.

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Re: baby fell out of bed

Antwort von MamavonN am 08.09.2019, 0:35 Uhr

ich kann deutsch und das auch komplett akzentfrei, lebe in deutschland, arbeite in einem deutschen unternehmen etc.

jedoch ist meine muttersprache englisch. wenn ich also etwas sehr auf meiner seele brennen habe, dann fällt es mir leichter, mich (schneller) auf englisch auszudrücken.

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Re: baby fell out of bed

Antwort von Port am 08.09.2019, 0:36 Uhr

Dein Deutsch ist perfekt. Alles gut!

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Re: baby fell out of bed

Antwort von Port am 08.09.2019, 0:40 Uhr

Und mache Dir keine Sorgen mehr wegen des Babys. Ihr habt alles richtig gemacht und es ist offensichtlich nichts passiert.

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Re: baby fell out of bed

Antwort von Mutti69 am 08.09.2019, 6:58 Uhr

Mein Rat wäre, drück dir dein Post aus, schreib dir nochmal die unangenehmen Gefühle dazu: Angst, das Gefühl versagt zu haben, Scham...was auch immer. Geh ganz bewusst damit um, du sollst daraus lernen und wachsen!

Und dann steck’ es in einen Umschlag und den verbrennst du.

Solche (Gefühls-)Situationen werden noch öfter kommen.

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Re: baby fell out of bed

Antwort von Hurch am 08.09.2019, 7:29 Uhr

Might not be very helpful, but something quite similar happened to us too, when my son was still a baby. Fortunately he wasn't hurt either.
How did I handle it? The same as you, I felt terrible, couldn't sleep at all for a couple of nights, in fear it would happen again.
It gets better over time, tough. And with time I mean some days, a few weeks maybe.
Try to think about all that happened to you when you were a child. Could your parents have prevented it? We all are only human.

And thanks for the opportunity to practice my English :)

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Re: baby fell out of bed

Antwort von Aubergine123 am 08.09.2019, 11:23 Uhr

Ich habe letztens den Satz gehört:
"Bei der Geburt gibt es ein Baby und eine Schuldige."
Wir Mamas haben leider viel zu oft Schuldgefühle: ernähre ich mein Baby gesund? Ist mein Baby glücklich mit mir? Bin ich eine gute Mama? Etc. Und wenn etwas nicht gut läuft, dann fragt man sich was man selbst falsch gemacht hat.
Natürlich ist es wichtig aufzupassen, das tust du Tag und Nacht aber du bist keine Maschine! Es wird immer und immer wieder zu Unfällen kommen. Sei nicht so streng zu dir, ich bin mir sicher dass du eine sehr fürsorgliche Mutter bist.

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Re: baby fell out of bed

Antwort von Korya am 08.09.2019, 12:22 Uhr

Hi there,

total shock, I know - happened to me and I felt absolutely terribly, like a complete failure as mom and human being. But hey, she did not had a scratch, and if I was careful before, I certainly got paranoid after that, and always double- and triplechecked everything thereafter.

So please don't blame yourself, and put it down to experience. The doctor checked her and she is fine, and I am sure there are dozens of other mums that share the same experience, feeling just as terrible as you.

Thankfully, in most cases no harm comes to them, and fingers crosses this was just a scare and nothing more. I am sure you will be extra careful around her now, and give her lots of extra cuddles as well - won't be long and she'll give you lots of scares all by herself, when she gets more mobile and starts to move around, climbs up furniture etc... somehow one never stops to worry about them even when they grow older!

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