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Geschrieben von Daffy am 18.03.2022, 17:31 Uhr

Nochmal: schwenkt da was?

Frisch aus dem chinesischen Staatsfernsehen. Vielleicht entgehen mir gewissen Nuancen; aber es kommt mir eher schärfer formuliert vor.

M. E. ist das unsere Lebensversicherung. Es gibt genügend Falken in den USA, die hoffentlich Schnappatmung kriegen beim Gedanken, wie China den Rest der Welt übernimmt, während die NATO es den bösen Russen zeigt.
Der Bundestag ist nicht das einzige Parlament, in dem Selenskyjs grafisch unterlegter Appell lief; die amerikanischen Abgeordneten wurden auch bedient, während Russland mit Grausamkeiten aus der Ostukraine und Nazibildern auf Linie gebracht wird.

"Of course China is saddened by civilian casualties.
There is no point in badgering us on this question. I also have a question for you. As a journalist working with a mainstream media and news agency in Europe, you need to think about the following questions. As the culprit of the Ukraine crisis, why does the US keep smearing China instead of reflecting on the security predicament in Europe caused by the eastward expansion of US-led NATO? Why doesn’t the US listen to the observation by Dr. Kissinger and other experts that Ukraine must not be either side’s outpost against the other? Why doesn’t the US reflect on its hypocritical move of watching the fire from across the river after fanning the flames?
Did you ever think about why has Europe become a battlefield and a wrestling ground of major-country rivalry? Why has Ukraine become a pawn to be sacrificed in major-country rivalry? Maybe our friends from major European media outlets should also raise these questions to the US.

The least thing the US should do is to sling mud at China which is not a party directly concerned. The despicable move of the US only serves to reveal its guilty conscience and true intention to shift the blame and profit from the Ukraine crisis."

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