Forum Aktuell

Aktuelles und Neuigkeiten




Geschrieben von Alba am 28.09.2015, 12:30 Uhr

in jedem Land der EU

Ich habe ja mitterweilen schon mal nach den Regeln fuer GB citizenship geschaut, just in case.

Den hier mag ich auch:

James Hacker: The trouble with Brussels is not internationalism, it's too much bureaucracy.

Sir Humphrey Appleby: But the bureaucracy is a consequence of the internationalism. Why else would there be an English Commissioner with a French Director-General immediately below him, and an Italian Chef-du-Division reporting to the Frenchman and so on down the line.

James Hacker: Oh, I agree.

Sir Humphrey Appleby: It's like the Tower of Babel.

James Hacker: I agree.

Sir Humphrey Appleby: No, it's even worse, it's like the United Nations.

James Hacker: I agree.

Bernard Woolley: Then perhaps, if I may interject, you are in fact in agreement.

James Hacker, Sir Humphrey Appleby: No we're not!

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