Alleinerziehend, na und?

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@all: nur heute zu lesen über diesen link, weil morgen dort schon eine andere Geschichte zu lesen sein wird. The Tenacity of a Single Mother Evelyn Watkins One of my favorite stories in the Bible is of the widow in II Kings 4:1-7. It tells of a woman who is faced with a very common challenge of single mothers today. The father of her children, her husband, has died, left her financially bankrupt and jeopardized the future of her children. It really doesn't matter if you conceived your children out of wedlock, a marriage which ended in divorce, or like this woman, your husband has died. Ultimately, when the relationship ends, it can feel like you are experiencing a death. While in the midst of grieving her loss, experiencing her hurt and deep disappointment, she now must contend with the reality of being solely responsible for her home, her children and their financial future. Many single moms are disillusioned in this process. Oftentimes going through the motions of survival all awhile wondering how she ended in this place. This widow woman immediately reminds Elisha of her husband's relationship with God. She recognized she had a right to be sustained by the Lord because her husband "did fear the Lord". How right she was. Because of your covenant relationship with God, you have a right to be sustained by the Lord. Perhaps, like this woman, the creditors are seeking you out; attempting to compromise the financial stability of your children's future. Your child's father may no longer be in your home contributing to your provision, maybe withholds child support or perhaps he died with no life insurance, Jehovah-jireh, your provider, is YOUR insurance. Like never before, you have to trust God to do what you cannot and know that he is a good provider. God's answer to changing her situation began with a plan spoken through Elisha. I believe it is applicable to all of us. 1. He begins by asking her what is in her house; or what does she already possess. God will plan your future with what you already have now. Not a man, or the lottery, but something you possess in your house (or your temple) right now. Begin by writing down your God given talents, gifts or skills. 2. He sent her out to borrow vessels. I imagine she was probably ashamed. Having to ask for help would require her to be venerable. Perhaps her neighbors would gossip after her request, or pretend they didn't hear her knocking at the door. She had to look her fear in the face, swallow her pride and do this in spite of her embarrassment because her children depended on her to succeed. You too, may have discovered that there are things you've had to do which required you to swallow your pride, face your fears and maybe even suffer embarrassment. 3. He then instructs her to come into the house and shut the door behind herself and her sons. I find this text so interesting. Elisha does not want the neighbors to see what God is about to do. God may share something with us and we want to tell everyone. But here, God instructs the woman to protect this process. Everyone cannot handle your journey. Everyone does not see what you see. They may unknowingly attempt to talk you out of your faith, discourage you, make you feel inadequate or like you're crazy. You must protect God's plan for your life by knowing when to speak and when to be silent. 4. He gave her instructions concerning pouring the oil in the vessels. She included her sons in this process. It is so important as you are fulfilling God's plan of action that your children not only see your obedience but also are a participant. In doing this, they gain a sense of success as contributors to God's plan. 5. Elisha told the woman to sell the oil, pay her debt and live off of the rest. God's desire is not to meet the need of our emergency, but make provision for our future. It requires faithfulness. Single moms, like none other, must perfect their faithfulness in financial stewardship. What if this woman in her excitement, paid off her debt and squandered the rest? She certainly would not have been able to abide in rest for the length of her days as Elisha instructed. Rather, she would have been forced to work by the sweat of her brow for the remainder of her days. Single moms have a multitude of unique challenges before them. Pity parties sometime seem enticing to simply have an opportunity to talk about the difficulties of this journey. But seek the party, which the Bridegroom has prepared for you. Prepare your life to sit at His banquet table. You and your children can live the abundant life the scriptures promise. It's not too late. Begin by examining the very special gifts God has placed in you. It is what you possess right now that will bring greater fulfillment to you and your children for years to come. Evelyn D. Watkins is the dynamic founder of Women of Influence, a fellowship of Christian women using their influence to impact themarketplace. Under the helm of Watkins Ministries, Inc., she has taught thousands of singles through her conferences and courses. The classes: "Sexually Saved" and "Why are you STILL single?" have been attended and celebrated by Christians and non-Christians alike worldwide. For more information, please visit +persönl. Buchtip: T.D.Jakes: Mama made the difference

Mitglied inaktiv - 06.05.2008, 11:54

Antwort auf diesen Beitrag

naja, ich halte nicht besonders viel von dieser amerikanischen stimmungsmache, die auf die traenendruese drueckt und sonst nicht viel substanz bietet. das kommt mich vor wie diese bibeltreuen amerikaner, die in diesen tagen in amiland an den zapfsaeulen fuer billigeren sprit beten. *hmpf* ehrlich gesagt, hat gott noch nicht zu mir gesprochen oder einen groesseren betrag auf mein konto ueberwiesen, damit es finanziell endlich mal aufwaerts geht. ich halte es auch fuer fraglich, dass mir meine nachbarn irgendwelche gefaesse zur verfuegung stellen, die ich in den umliegenden haeusern erbettele - um sie dann mit einem ominoesen oel zu fuellen und zu verkaufen. (welches oel eigentlich? salatoel? duftoel? oder erdoel?) wenn es sich um salatoel handelt, wuerde die alleinerziehende mutter im tuer-zu-tuer-geschaeft wohl kaum ihren lebensunterhalt davon bestreiten koennen. nix fuer ungut, martina

Mitglied inaktiv - 06.05.2008, 12:10